This form is generally used for complying with the Statute of Limitations that bar you from recovery if not filed on time.
A claim must be presented to the RISK MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT of the CITY of San Diego not later than (6) months after the date of the incident or event. Completed claims must be presented to: City of San Diego, Risk Management Department, 1200 Third Ave., Suite 1000, San Diego, California 92101. The phone number is (619) 236-7300. Use Certified Mail, Return Receipt.
Please write or call for the proper form.
This form is generally used for complying with the Statute of Limitations that bar you from recovery if not filed on time.
A claim must be filed with the Claims Division of the COUNTY of San Diego within (6) months after which the incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the County of San Diego, not another public entity. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to: County of San Diego, Claims Division, 1600 Pacific Highway, Room 355, San Diego, California 92101-2469. The phone number is (619) 531-4899. Use Certified Mail, Return Receipt.
Please write or call for the proper form.